Making Hostinger stronger and faster, we can’t simply rely on the latest technology. That’s why our greatest strength is the team of teams who work together towards implementing it.
Built for Speed
Response time 11-274 ms
Live chat 24/7
The best price/quality ratio
9 of 10 find our hPanel smooth and intuitive.
All data - secured
We protect your websites with multiple levels of fail-safes, RAID-10, daily or weekly backups. All of our 10 data centers are distributed globally to keep your websites fast in every country. Your visitors will enjoy the lowest latency and unmatched reliability as we deploy in globally connected Tier-3 datacenters.
Plans include:
In-house built CPanel, Access Manager, LiteSpeed web server, Cloudflare integration, Let’s Encrypt integration, in-house developed WAF.
Maximum efficiency
Safety, fast performance, and stability are equally important. We strive to maintain 99.99% uptime for your website. Our servers are operating on CloudLinux – the leading OS for hosting providers. We are renewing our systems on a regular basis, shielding servers from DDoS attacks, and improving their speed with the newest LiteSpeed technologies.
Plans include:
Daily backups, CloudLinux, LVE containers for account isolation, Wanguard realtime anti-DDoS protection on switches, full SSD servers.
Built for smooth control
We are proud of our in-house-developed CPanel. And we fine-tune every aspect of the hosting experience until every step of building a website is intuitive for beginners and straightforward for professionals. Here’s also an in-house WordPress migrator for fast auto migrations.